This massage surprise you

This massage surprise you
Massage is one of causing comparative calmness and it is use for annihilate boredom. Many of individuals attending in massage classrooms. Because china is very strange country, interesting work was occurred in one of this country where it name is Sichuan that caused many people surprised.
In this massage, eyes were massaged by sharp knife that this work is accomplished in barber shop. Owner this barber shop massage eye ball by sharp knifes without scratch on it.
Owner this barber shop says, his work date back to ancient china and confirmed it. In this case, medical theories proved that this work helps to be brightness eyeball and it cause better sight for viewer.
Of course this days it is seems only this barber who is 53 years old can do this work. When he barbered a head he also massages his client’s eyeball about 7 years ago till now. Expense this work is less and it is about one Dollar.
He washes his knife for this work and then clean surface eyeball. After that he put special blade under upper eyelid and clean surface eyeball such as wiper.

Post Author: admin

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