Osteoporosis; 7 food groups that cause osteoporosis

Using some foods may weaken your bones. Osteoporosis is a condition that many of us suffer from, but few are aware of it. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, approximately 10 million Americans have osteoporosis and 44 million others have low bone density that puts them at risk for this disease.


Symptoms of Osteoporosis

In most cases, the disease is secret and asymptomatic, meaning no obvious symptoms at first, so you will not be aware of it. Usually, symptoms do not appear until the disease progresses. The best time to treat osteoporosis is to have symptoms or symptoms spread. Knowing and understanding the risk factors of this disease is important because it can help you to make changes in your lifestyle and, as a result, reduce these conditions and factors prevent osteoporosis.

The Role of Nutrition on Osteoporosis

An important factor affecting osteoporosis is nutrition. Many of us are aware that eating foods rich in calcium and vitamin D (including dairy products, fish, and nutritious foods) can help protect bones. But as much as there are benefits, we often hear discussions that some of the foods and beverages that threaten bone health. From full-salt to sweet sugary foods, some foods may cause your body to absorb less calcium and thereby reduce bone density and bone loss, resulting in poor bones and weakness.

Here are seven food groups that may cause bone health problems when consumed incorrectly:

  1. High-sodium foods


Using a steady diet rich in salt dishes may be a good tasting, but excess sodium will not help your bones. In fact, sodium causes calcium loss in the body. Excess salt in your body takes some of the stored calcium and excretes through the urine.

About 75 percent of our sodium consumption is from processed and packaged foods, such as meat, fast food, and canned food.

The solution is to select fresh nuts and vegetables, fresh meat (avoid sauces, hot dogs, sausages, bacon, etc.), nuts and insecticides, and your goal is to use less than 2,300 mg of sodium daily.

  1. High- Oxalate Foods

Oxalate is a chemical compound naturally found in many foods. When you eat this group of foods, it can be attached to calcium and then it can be removed from the body. As a result, calcium absorption in your body decreases. Foods high in oxalate include spinach, rhubarb, beetroot, beans, and soy products such as Omarama, Tempe, and tofu.

However, these foods contain nutrients that are good for health. Does this mean that we should avoid eating them? Fortunately, the answer is no. Studies have shown that taking the recommended daily dose of calcium is not affected. The research’s message is that the ratio of calcium to oxalate in these foods is high. Continue to take calcium and therefore do not worry about taking this food.

  1. Caffeine and osteoporosis


One cup of coffee contains eight ounces, about 95 mg of caffeine. Many of us enjoy drinking at least a cup of coffee, and because of the amount of caffeine, we can feel more energy. But caffeine can reduce the body’s ability to absorb calcium from foods you eat.

But the good news is that if you take enough calcium daily (1200 mg for women aged 51-70 and 1000 mg for men (51-70), your body can thwart this process. Research has shown That taking caffeine does not harm your bone health as long as you regularly consume enough calcium daily.

  1. High Protein Food

Protein is another substance that can bind to calcium and cause the body to pass it through the urine. Whether you eat too much protein or in a small amount, any protein may damage bone health. The best idea is to just take your draft protein without excessive consumption.

Normal daily protein intake is 0.8 grams per kg body weight for men and women (to convert pounds to kilograms, divide their weight into pounds by 2.2). Make sure your diet includes high-protein foods like fish, poultry, veal, eggs, and dairy products.

  1. Foods that contain Phytate

A combination called Phytate, if consumed in excess, may damage bone health. Phytate is an antioxidant compound found in whole grains, grains, nuts, and seeds. The main concern about phytate is that they can react to certain minerals, such as calcium, however, this applies only to a meal, not the total absorption of nutrients throughout the day. For example, meals can reduce the amount of calcium from these nuts, but not the meal that you take a few hours later.

  1. Very sweet drinks and osteoporosis

It seems that very sweet drinks have a negative effect on calcium intake. The reason is that these drinks contain a substance called phosphoric acid. It has been shown that the phosphoric acid found in dark-colored soybeans does not allow your body to absorb calcium as much as you need.

In addition, most carbonated beverages contain caffeine, which may affect calcium absorption. There is a direct correlation between the absorption of beverages and the increased risk of fracture, which is probably due in part to phosphoric acid. Another reason is that drinkers probably do not consume milk or foods rich in calcium or other minerals.

  1. Alcoholic Drinks

It is well-documented that drinking alcohol can dramatically affect bone health and increase the risk of osteoporosis

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